Predict the output of the following javascript code

const asyncFunction = async () => {
  try {
    await Promise.reject("Oops!");
  } catch (error) {
    return "Caught: " + error;
  } finally {
    return "Finally block executed";

asyncFunction().then(result => console.log(result));





In this JavaScript code, an asynchronous function asyncFunction is defined using the async keyword. Inside this function:

  1. It tries to await a rejected Promise using Promise.reject("Oops!").
  2. In the catch block, it catches the rejection reason (error) and returns a string concatenation of "Caught: " and the error message.
  3. In the finally block, it returns a string "Finally block executed".

The behavior of finally is interesting in this case. Even though the catch block returns a value, the finally block still executes and returns a value. This is because finally always runs, regardless of whether an error occurred or not.

When asyncFunction() is called, it returns a Promise. Then, the .then() method is chained to the Promise to handle the resolved value.

So, the output of the given code will be:

Finally block executed

This is because the finally block is executed and returns its value, overriding any value returned in the catch block.