Predict the output of the following JavaScript code
const www = ["hello", "coranovirus", "kiora", "world", "new zealand"];
const found = www.find(function (world) { return world > "victory"; });
const result = found[1] < www[0][0] ? www[false ? 1 : 0] : www[true ? 0 : 1];
Quiz Explanation
The key information in the question above is about the method Array.prototype.find(). It returns the first element in the array that meets the condition declared in the callback function, which is passed to the function. The array is being iterated to check every single element. In the code above, we might easily see that the element world is the first element in the array that has a larger value than victory. Remember that "w" > "v" return trues if the two letters are compared. When two words are being compared, only the first letter in each word is being utilised to compare.
As the result, found is now world and thus found[1] returns the letter w whereas www[0][0] gives us the letter h in the element hello. It means found[1] < www[0][0] returns false.
So the final result is www[true ? 0: 1] or www[0], which is hello. And the correct answer is A.