Executing code after a certain delay or at regular intervals in javascript | Javascript

 // Timeout
setTimeout(() => {
    // Code to execute after delay
}, delayInMilliseconds);

// Interval
setInterval(() => {
    // Code to execute repeatedly
}, intervalInMilliseconds);

AI Explanation

This code snippet shows how to use setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript to delay the execution of code or make it execute repeatedly at specified intervals. 1. setTimeout: This function is used to schedule a single execution of a specified function after a certain delay in milliseconds. The delay is specified as the second argument to setTimeout. The code inside the arrow function will be executed once the specified delay has passed. 2. setInterval: This function is used to repeatedly execute a specified function at regular intervals. The interval between executions is specified as the second argument to setInterval. The code inside the arrow function will be executed at the specified interval, and will continue executing until clearInterval is called. It is important to note that the delay and interval values are specified in milliseconds. This means that a delay or interval of 1000 would correspond to 1 second.