Detect if Browser Tab is in the view | Javascript


const video =  document.getElementById("my-video");

const onVisibilitychange =()=>{
   return document.hidden 
     ? video.pause() 

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilitychange)

AI Explanation

This code snippet contains JavaScript code that handles the visibility change of a webpage and controls the playing state of a video element accordingly. Let me explain each part of the code: 1. `const video = document.getElementById("my-video");`: This line selects a video element with the ID "my-video" from the HTML document and stores it in the constant variable `video`. 2. `const onVisibilitychange =() => { ... }`: This is an arrow function named `onVisibilitychange` which is used to handle the visibility change event. When the visibility of the document changes, this function will be triggered. 3. Inside the `onVisibilitychange` function: - `document.hidden` is a property that returns a Boolean indicating whether the page is considered hidden or not. - If `document.hidden` is true (indicating that the page is hidden), the function calls `video.pause()` to pause the video. - If `document.hidden` is false (indicating that the page is not hidden), the function calls `` to play the video. 4. `document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilitychange)`: Finally, this line adds an event listener to the `document` object for the "visibilitychange" event. When the visibility of the document changes, the `onVisibilitychange` function will be called to handle the event. In summary, this code sets up an event listener to monitor changes in the visibility of the webpage and controls the playing state of a video element accordingly. If the webpage is hidden, the video is paused, and if the webpage is visible, the video playback is resumed.