Position absolute center css | Css

 .child {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;  
    left: 50%; 
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

AI Explanation

This block of CSS code is targeting elements with the class name "child". Here is an explanation of the properties being applied: 1. `position: absolute;` - This property is used to position the element relative to its closest positioned ancestor (any ancestor element that has a position value other than static). In this case, the element with the class "child" will be positioned absolutely within its closest positioned ancestor. 2. `top: 50%;` - This property sets the top edge of the element at 50% of the height of its positioned ancestor. 3. `left: 50%;` - This property sets the left edge of the element at 50% of the width of its positioned ancestor. 4. `transform: translate(-50%, -50%);` - This CSS transform property is being used to move the element 50% of its own width to the left and 50% of its own height up. This effectively centers the element both horizontally and vertically within its parent container. Overall, this CSS code snippet is used to ensure that elements with the class "child" are centered within their closest positioned ancestor using a combination of absolute positioning and the transform property.